Why visiting Vientiane is worth it
A personal blog from one of the owners (Sander) of Don Som Riverside Guesthouse about Vientiane , the capital of Lao PDR . Many times I read on the internet that Vientiane is not worth a visit. It's boring, ugly and/ or it has nothing to see. Of course personal experiences differ and what is nice for one is a nightmare for the other.... But (and after 'but' something always follows) I think Vientiane is worth some time. Even if it is just one day, it might be worth considering I think.... I've lived in Vientiane for about one year and know the city a bit (visited the city for the first time in 2007). Why do I have to visit Vientiane Sander, why? First of all, you don't have to and it's not Rome, Paris, Den Bosch (worth a visit if you are in the Netherlands, like food and drinks, canals, old buildings, nice people and want to see a small city without a milion other tourists and signs in English everywhere), New York or Eindhoven (mostly ugly but worth a visit, ...